Journalist @baltimoresun writer artist runner #amwriting Chaplain PIO #partylikeajournalist

Journalist @baltimoresun writer artist runner #amwriting Chaplain PIO #partylikeajournalist
Journalist @baltimoresun writer artist runner #amwriting Md Troopers Assoc #20 & Westminster Md Fire Dept Chaplain PIO #partylikeajournalist
Showing posts with label Pres 2009 44 Obama-Barack. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pres 2009 44 Obama-Barack. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Ted Cruz Questions Jeff Sessions. This is Awesome!

Ted Cruz Questions Jeff Sessions. This is Awesome! 

Sen Al Franken Battles Jeff Sessions AG Confirmation Hearing: You Don't Sound You Handled the Case 

Published on Jan 10, 2017 [FULL] Franken Suggests Donald Trump AG Pick Sessions Overstated Number of Civil Rights Cases He Worked On Al Franken, a Democrat from Minnesota, and Mr. Sessions tangle over the questionnaire that the attorney general nominee submitted to the committee as part of the confirmation process. 


Tuesday, August 16, 2016

WaPo: the ObamaCare component of President Obama’s legislative legacy

WaPo: the ObamaCare component of President Obama’s legislative legacy

August 16, 2016 / Kevin Dayhoff

When I was younger I loved writing about such things as the practice of medicine in Carroll County history and presidential history. Nowadays, not so much. But this is a rather fascinating academic assessment of one aspect of President Obama’s legislative legacy: “Obama’s legislative legacy comes down to this question: What if?” by Mike DeBonis:

“President Obama’s landmark health-care law came with a steep political cost, leaving a host of questions about his legislative legacy: Could health-care reform have been done in a different way? Could Democrats have kept control of Congress for another two years or more? Was Obamacare worth it?”

Anyway, I would rather have a root canal than talk with even good friends about the presidential election.

I recently read a piece on Facebook by a pastor that I have always looked-up to, who chastised another pastor for wading into the political waters because he advocated voting for a particular candidate.

Then this pastor proceeded to say disparaging things about one party and write glowingly about the other party. He essentially committed the same offense, only it was okay that he did it because he advocated voting for the opposite party than the pastor he had just chastised for advocating a political position... 

When I ask many folks that have left mainstream denominational churches, why they left; I hear several themes consistently. One they got tired of hearing that they ought to contribute more money to the church. And two, they did not want to hear from pastors about politics when they went to church.

As for President Obama’s legislative legacy - I know that if I ever went back into political office, I would sidestep some of the issues I took-on head-on years ago when I was an elected official. The price was simply far too high. I will forever shake my head over some of the legislative initiatives of past presidents. You would think that at that level of accomplishment, one would learn to avoid the perils and pitfalls of political third-rails.

For some additional context on the legacy of ObamaCare, read a recent article in The Hill on "Aetna pulling back from ObamaCare in blow to health law - In a blow to the health care law, Aetna -- one of the largest health insurers in the country -- announced Monday that it will significantly scale back its presence on the ObamaCare marketplaces next year..." Find it here:

Well, I am not a fan of Aetna – so I am not sure if this is a good thing or not…

Moreover, it is still far too early to determine the historic legacy of President Obama. Just like, for example, President John F. Kennedy and Harry Truman; from an historian’s point of view, some aspects of these administrations have stood the test of time well. Some not so much. I mean what in the world was President Truman thinking when he tried to nationalize the steel making industry? My partisan friends will not be amused to learn that presidential historians have come to consider President Bill Clinton as a conservative president and President Nixon a liberal president. Go figure.

Nevertheless, in addition to the recent article on the ObamaCare marketplaces, a number of business periodicals have carried recent articles that explain that once again, this year, the rise in the cost of healthcare is greater that wage increases.

For those of us who felt strongly that health insurance companies had abrogated its social contract with the greater community and that healthcare reform was an absolute necessity; many feel that we have taken two steps forward and three steps back. Take for example, pre-existing conditions. The position of the insurance industry to deny coverage to individuals because of pre-existing conditions, was nuts.

In the last several years I have worked closely with the healthcare delivery system on behalf of several family members and loved ones and my reaction is a mixed-bag.

Several steps into the local hospital and one enters a wormhole in which you quickly find that you are no longer in Carroll County. An esteemed local community leader who commented with the implicit understanding that he would remain anonymous, has recently reassessed his past glowing perception of the hospital and explained that today, “it is a very angry place. Avoid it.”

I have witnessed a number of folks retain attorneys before beginning negotiations with issues with respect to old-age care. In an era when many doubt that government can anything well, Medicare continues to be efficient and effective – but extraordinarily nuanced and complex. Regular folks going to the hospital do not stand a chance and they learn quickly that the social worker health care advocates are not on your side.

Anyway, give “Obama’s legislative legacy comes down to this question: What if?” by Mike DeBonis a read. At a time when so much partisan drivel is passed-off as journalism, Mr. DeBonis has presented non-partisan history junkies with a good read. Just saying. 

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Carroll Co. Md. Sheriff Jim DeWees - A Letter from me to our president

Carroll Co. Md. Sheriff Jim DeWees - A Letter from me to our president

Facebook 9:01 a.m. February 13, 2016

Dear President Obama:

In case you haven’t heard, eight American police officers over the past eight days have been killed in the line of duty. Two of these police officers were Harford County Sheriff’s Deputies that were gunned down at a Panera Restaurant just 50 miles from where you live. I’ve watched and listened intently for words of encouragement and sorrow to come from you, but haven’t heard or seen anything.

Conversely, just two weeks ago my governor, Larry Hogan, spent the better part of a week placing a call each day to one of my deputies that was involved in a severe traffic collision in Carroll County. He wasn’t satisfied with speaking to me in order to send his prayers and regards; he called every day after the collision until he spoke with my deputy’s wife. Governor Hogan also drove to Harford County the day after two deputies were slain to meet Sheriff Gahler and the men & women of his office to grieve with them. The governor is in the middle of the 2016 Legislative Session and is pretty busy, yet found time to call, visit, and pay his respects to me & my deputy, and the men & women of the Harford County Sheriff’s Office.

I understand that you are a busy man and are being pulled in multiple directions every day of the week. But, when my president doesn’t take the time to openly recognize the sacrifices that brave men & women of law enforcement make each day to keep domestic peace, I’m disappointed! I suspect that if these same deputies walked in to a restaurant, and without provocation shot and killed an innocent man, you and your staff would quickly whisk their family away to Washington for a future speech to make an example of police officers nationwide.

For me Mr. President, it has nothing to do with Republican or Democrat; black or white, male or female; but, it has everything to do with leading or following. I’m not shocked that you haven’t openly reached out or acknowledged publically the recent rash of deaths in law enforcement, but I’m tremendously disappointed!

Mr. President, your silence about these events SPEAKS VOLUMES!!!!

PS: I'll be standing outside in the cold next week with my deputies for the funerals of the Harford Co deputies; I'll save you a spot next to me!

James T. DeWees


Carroll County Maryland
Police Carroll Co Sheriff's Dept, People DeWees-Jim, LODD Line of Duty Death, MD co Harford Co current events, MD co Harford Co, Law Order Police line of duty death, Pres 2009 44 Obama-Barack,

Thursday, January 07, 2016

Watch President Obama announce gun control initiatives at White House

PBS NewsHour 
Published on Jan 5, 2016
President Barack Obama announced new gun control initiatives at the White House on Tuesday and urged Congress to take action.
Baltimore Sun Carroll Eagle: 
Tumblr: Kevin Dayhoff Banana Stems
Kevin Dayhoff is an artist - and a columnist for:
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E-mail: kevindayhoff(at)

My columns appear in the copy of the Baltimore Sunday Sun that is distributed in Carroll County:

See also - Kevin Earl Dayhoff Art Travel, art,artists, authors, books, newspapers, media, writers and writing, journalistsand journalism, reporters and reporting, music, culture, opera... Ad maioremDei gloriam inque hominum salutem. “Deadline U.S.A.” 1952. Ed Hutcheson:“That's the press, baby. The press! And there's nothing you can do about it. Nothing!”- See more at:

Tuesday, January 05, 2016

Netanyahu at War on Frontline

Netanyahu at War on Frontline

@frontlinepbs Netanyahu at War on Frontline #netanyahuatwar is must see objectively reported history of Bibi v Obama

According to a Tweet by PBS Frontline, "Did you miss tonight's 2-hour special report 'Netanyahu at War?' Watch online at any time: "

Wednesday, December 09, 2015 Obama Dragged To Address Terror Threat, “Kicking & Screaming”

Obama Dragged To Address Terror Threat, “Kicking & Screaming”
Posted on December 7, 2015 by DCWhispers

Last night, Barack Obama gave what was in the seven years of his presidency only the third primetime address to the nation.

And he didn’t want to do it.

Immediately after the San Bernardino terror attack, the President of the United States was said to be initially interested in the events to the point of outright excitement for the opportunity to once again make a call for enhanced federal gun control measures – which he did.

Within hours of the attack it became clear to federal officials that Islamic terror played an integral role.

Once that was known, Mr. Obama’s enthusiasm is said to have “waned considerably.” And then when the L.A. FBI office went public with calling San Bernardino a terrorist attack, both Barack Obama and Valerie Jarrett went into “warpath mode.”

Jarrett’s displeasure was apparently first to make itself known. She was outraged the FBI had done so without first getting prior approval from her. Jarrett was said to be particularly concerned with the proximity of the FBI’s terror designation and the president’s quick words on calling for more gun control measures soon after the actual San Bernardino terror attack.

“They’re making us look like fools!”

The focus of the White House’s ire soon became FBI Director, James Comey.

Some of that conflict was outlined earlier here: BREAKING: Obama/Jarrett Warn FBI Director Over Anti-Muslim Tone

At one point, the president is said to have flung several papers onto the floor of the Oval Office as he sat behind his desk stewing over Director’s Comey’s now-infamous terrorist attack remarks.

“This was supposed to be a gun issue for us, not some anti-Islamic bullsh*t!”

Jarrett then dispatched an order for Director Comey to meet in person with the President. It was at that meeting the already existing fracture between Comey and the White House on such issues as the Black Lives Matter/anti-law enforcement movement, which Director Comey already spoke out against, was said to have worsened considerably following the San Bernardino attacks. Comey is alleged to have refused to fully capitulate with the White House’s demands he lessen the “terrorist attack” rhetoric.


Friday, June 12, 2015

News from The Hill: Obama pleads with House Dems to save trade package

News from The Hill

Obama pleads with House Dems to save trade package

By Peter Schroeder and Cristina Marcos

President Obama made an impassioned plea to House Democrats on Friday to not kill his trade agenda.

In a last-minute, closed-door meeting held hours before scheduled votes on the fast-track package, the president huddled with House Democrats for about a half hour.


News from The Hill

Pelosi to oppose Obama on trade

By Ian Swanson

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) in a meandering but dramatic floor speech on Friday said she will vote "no" on a measure providing assistance to workers displaced by trade.

Pelosi's opposition to the Trade Adjustment Assistance program casts doubt on whether the measure will pass.,AAAAAEA-5AE~,7pYsU79IKz2CXW_BSQItHbG6JoyZCfQ5

And yet another update... What a sop opera... In the end, it does not matter. If the legislation fails - the Republicans will be blamed. If the legislation passes, the Republicans will be vilified ... Whatever...

News from The Hill

House deals humiliating blow to Obama in trade fight

By Cristina Marcos

Defying President Obama, House Democrats on Friday rallied to vote down legislation granting aid to workers displaced by trade, dealing a potentially fatal blow to the fast-track legislation that had been scheduled to hit the floor.

An overwhelming majority of Democrats voted to sink the package in the 126-302 vote despite an impassioned plea from the president, which he delivered in person during a rare morning visit to Capitol Hill. A majority of Republicans also opposed the bill.


Wednesday, June 03, 2015

An Insurer Wants to Raise Its Obamacare Premiums by 85 Percent. Don't Sweat It. by Jordan Weissmann

Under Obamacare, health insurance companies that want to jack up their premiums by more than 10 percent in a year are required to submit their requests to state and federal regulators for review. 

Yesterday, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services posted all of those petitions online in an easily searchable database, which revealed that a number of insurers are, in fact, asking for double-digit rate hikes. 

As Politico notes, some large plans could theoretically get 20 or even 30 percent more expensive. 

The New York Times found one insurer in Georgia looking to up its premiums by as much as 85 percent. The Wall Street Journal, which reported on the news earlier after states began making the filings public, thinks it is "setting the stage for an intense debate this summer over the law’s impact."



Wednesday, May 27, 2015

News from The Hill: Obama asserts power over small waterways By Timothy Cama

News from The Hill

Obama asserts power over small waterways

By Timothy Cama

The Obama administration asserted its authority Wednesday over the nation's small waterways like streams and wetlands, moving forward on one of the most controversial pollution rules of recent years.

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Army Corps of Engineers said they are making final their proposed waters of the United States rule, which Republicans and many businesses have long panned as a massive federal overreach that would put the EPA in charge of ditches, puddles and wet areas.


Saturday, April 11, 2015

News from The Hill Obama meets with Cuban leader Raul Castro - By Elliot Smilowitz

News from The Hill

Obama meets with Cuban leader Raul Castro

By Elliot Smilowitz

President Obama met with Cuban leader Raul Castro on Saturday afternoon, in what Obama called a “historic meeting.”

"We are now in a position to move on a path toward the future,” Obama said, according to pool reports.


“Obama meets with Castro but refused to meet w/ @Netanyahu,” former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush tweeted, citing Obama’s snub of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu last month.


The president indicated he saw no point in continuing frosty relations with Cuba.

“I’m not interested in having battles that frankly started before I was born,” Obama said. “The Cold War’s been over for a long time.”



Monday, January 12, 2015

The Hill - White House: 'It's fair to say' we were wrong on Paris unity rally

The Hill - White House: 'It's fair to say' we were wrong on Paris unity rally By Justin Sink - 01/12/15

The White House erred in not sendin
g a higher-profile representative to this weekend's solidarity march in France following a terrorist attack on a satirical newspaper, press secretary Josh Earnest said Monday.

"It's fair to say we should have sent someone with a higher profile to be there," Earnest told reporters at the White House.


Wednesday, January 07, 2015

NYT: Defiant on Witness Stand, Times Reporter Says Little

Defiant on Witness Stand, Times Reporter Says Little


“… the Obama administration’s leak crackdown provoked a backlash among journalism groups…” #partylikeajournalist

ALEXANDRIA, Va. — After losing a seven-year legal battle, James Risen, a reporter for The New York Times, reluctantly took the witness stand in federal court here on Monday, but refused to answer any questions that could help the Justice Department identify his confidential sources.

Mr. Risen said he would not say anything to help prosecutors bolster their case against Jeffrey A. Sterling, a former C.I.A. officer who is set to go on trial soon on charges of providing classified information to Mr. Risen for his 2006 book, “State of War.”


Mr. Risen fought the subpoena to the Supreme Court and lost, but said he would still not reveal his sources. And as the case has gone on, the Obama administration’s leak crackdown provoked a backlash among journalism groups and civil rights advocates. They criticized the Justice Department for its treatment of Mr. Risen as well as for subpoenaing phone records from The Associated Press, labeling one Fox News reporter a criminal co-conspirator and seeking grand jury testimony from another.


On July 8, 2014, the Society of Professional Journalists sent President Barack Obama a letter urging more transparency… According to information e-mailed by the Society on July 8, 2014:

The Society of Professional Journalists and 37 other journalism and open government groups today called on President Obama to stop practices in federal agencies that prevent important information from getting to the public.

“We sent a letter to Obama today urging changes to policies that constrict information flow to the public, including prohibiting journalists from communicating with staff without going through public information offices, requiring government PIOs to vet interview questions and monitoring interviews between journalists and sources.

“The letter outlines other specific examples of the excessive information control, considered by some as a form of censorship…” Find the letter here:

Friday, December 26, 2014

Driver Wanted for Obama Motorcade. Novice Welcome. -

This is nuts...

Driver Wanted for Obama Motorcade. Novice Welcome. - "

Driver Wanted for Obama Motorcade. Novice Welcome.


SAN FRANCISCO — Shortly after President Obama landed here one fall day for fund-raisers, his motorcade pulled out of the airport and raced at 80 miles per hour down an empty freeway to his hotel in the city. 

 At the front of the procession were bulletproof black sport utility vehicles and limousines driven by Secret Service agents who had spent hundreds of hours learning how to maneuver at high speeds. 

 Bringing up the rear were police cars with their lights flashing and a Secret Service ambulance that follows the president wherever he travels.

And in between were several vans filled with White House staff members and journalists, being piloted by volunteers like Natalie Tyson, a 24-year-old Bay Area graduate student wearing fluorescent orange sunglasses. 

 “Wow,” she exclaimed as she hit the gas and the van lurched within a few feet of the one in front of it. Then she slammed on the brake. 

Then she hit the gas again. 

 “Sorry about that,” she said.

She returned her hands to the textbook 2-and-10 positions on the steering wheel.


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Wednesday, November 05, 2014

News from The Hill: Dems blame losses on Obama

News from The Hill: Dems blame losses on Obama

By Justin Sink Democrats dismayed with the loss of the Senate are pointing the finger squarely at President Obama. In race after race across the country, vulnerable Democrats were unable to shed the shadow of a deeply unpopular White House.


Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Why are U.S. officials trash-talking Netanyahu? - The Washington Post

Why are U.S. officials trash-talking Netanyahu? - The Washington Post:

 October 29 at 9:36 AM Daniel W. Drezner is a professor of international politics at Tufts University and a nonresident senior fellow at the Brookings Institution.

"Two stories broke last night that, combined, indicate that U.S.-Israeli relations have moved just a bit outside the normal contours of the warm bilateral relationship..

First, the Wall Street Journal reports on how the United States appears to be tacitly and not-so-tacitly coordinating with Iran across a range of Greater Middle East issues:"

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